Target College Lists
Find the right fit - "The Right Foundation Package"
Next Chapter’s highest priority is narrowing down a list of colleges that are the “right fit” for your child. Very often, students make application decisions based on a college they hear about from their friends, “name brand or bumper sticker schools,” those ranked at the top of the U.S. World and News Report or maybe even their parents’ alma maters. Our goal is to thoroughly interview the student through a one-on-one meeting with the high schooler and their parents through targeted questions and surveys. To find a list of colleges that are an academic, social and financial fit, we take this information and conduct extensive research. We strive to help your child find a university that supports their dreams and aspirations, while enjoying their experience as a college student.
We will:
- Interview the student and the family to thoroughly gain information for a personalized college list
- Administer and analyze a college readiness assessment
- Administer and analyze a quality career assessment that reveals a student’s strengths in both their aptitude and interests. A detailed, individualized report is generated.
- Review of academic history through transcripts and test scores to determine appropriate college fits
- The family is provided a college budget sheet and this information is used in finding financially fit schools
- Generate a list of 20 -30 schools, with key information about each school, is presented
- Execute a plan for college visits
- Provide tips, questions and recommendations to make college visits productive and successful
- Provide and share valuable resources that will aid in studying for the SAT and ACT, tips for applications, writing essays and estimating the cost of the colleges on the list
3 hours in meetings include initial interview. In addition, the consultant spends 3-4 hours researching colleges and evaluating data collected. These meetings will provide you all the knowledge and tools needed to embark on the college admission process!